10 Jobs in Singapore that can make you a Multi-millionaire in 2018

7. Contractor

This is one of the jobs I have not heard anyone talk about so far.

It is more like linking unemployed people to available jobs.

You go round and look for all unemployed people looking for employment and register them with terms of agreement, Which involves a percentage of their salary on whichever job you get them.

You go round to companies and look for employment for the people you have.

To be on a safer side of this one, make sure you take every detail from your unemployed person and submit to the company yourself.

With that, the company pays you and you pay the person you employed. It is not an easy job but it pays well.

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8. Video Game Player

Plenty of people play video games for fun, but you can actually do it for profit too. In fact, website e-Sports Earnings has actually created a list ranking the top 100 players based on earnings.

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Professional gamers earn money by winning contests and streaming their games, allowing them to earn sponsorships, reports Business Insider.

There are actually over 60 gamers who earn more than $100,000 in a year.