10 Luxurious Celebrity Homes with Outrageous Features: From Will Smith To Mark Zuckerberg

9. Bill Gates’ Xanadu fortress

It’s a home. No a castle. Nope, it’s a fortress. Bill Gates’ Xanadu estate in Medina, Washington is the largest private residence in the U.S. worth a whopping $120 million. Expectedly, it’s loaded with high-tech, geek stuff, notably, that guests wear smart pins to monitor their movement inside the property and adjust lighting, music and climate settings according to the person’s preferences.

10. Mark Zuckerberg’s $7M house

It’s outrageous in a sense that this tech mogul could have afforded a celebrity-level mansion than his $7-million house in Silicon Valley. It has neat porch, big windows, a yard, and all the nooks and crannies of an upper middle-class house. With all his money as among the richest men in the world, this guy seems to tell us that it’s not all about how big your house. Okay, maybe just your bank account.