10 Mind Blowing Facts about Black Magic

6. Dark Magic can never be Good

A good outcome can never be expected out of black magic. But there are people who feel that it is a good thing however that doesn’t mean that it has to be used. As human beings, we should resist harming other person no matter what happens but that’s not how it works. There are many who would disagree because for them it is an important element of life and that it is essential to have the good things in life but it is an incorrect thinking.

5. It can’t bring back the departed

It is only in the movies where it is shown that black magic revives dead people after a complicated ceremony using complex chants of spells and a variety of items. In reality, nothing like that happens. Life and death is a cycle and once someone passes to the other realm cannot come back. This cycle is a forward moving cycle and hence no alteration can be done as there is something more powerful than the black magic.

4. Practitioners Are slaves of the Spirits

There are some people who have made other believe that the people who are involved in dark magic are the slaves of wicked spirits, though there is no proof of the same. People still have their apprehensions as in the past people were not aware about this sorcery and witchcraft. So the same has been passed on to the generations. However, with the changing times, people are developing deeper insights on matters related to witchcraft.

3. Most of the time you are safe

Majority of the times, people are protected of the spells as for it to actually work; definite attention and energies are required. And even if this condition is fulfilled, there is no surety if this will even work. The energy used in crafting a bad spell appears from negative feelings like sadness, anger, hatred, and depression and unfortunately those who can accumulate enormous quantity of depressing energy with the correct quantity of meditation can actually wreak dreadful negativity onto others.