2018 Ranking of the top 10 best Namibian Secondary School

4. Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS)


Being a German school abroad, our main aim is to further the German language and culture in Namibia. However, we accommodate children of other language groups in our school. Therefore you will find besides the German speakers, children who speak English, French, Afrikaans, Oshivambo, Nama, Damara and Otjiherero. In following the variety of languages which are spoken and taught here we offer German and Namibian final examinations.

Thus we are the first school in the world which offers the German International Abitur (DIAP) in the framework of a shorter period namely 12 instead of 13 years. Our students are able to qualify after 12 years in this international examination which is accepted and gives access to any university throughout the world. Alternatively we also offer the possibility to write the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) which gives access to any Namibian or South African tertiary institute.