2018 Update: Top 20 Best Private Schools in Puerto Rico

Colegio San Antonio (CSA) — Founded in 1928, this Catholic bilingual school offers classes to pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. It’s focus is to prepare students for college with a solid academic foundation with knowledge of the arts, technology and a wide variety of electives and extracurricular activities. 

Colegio San Felipe – Lovated in the Arecibo area, this Catholic school is one of the oldest private schools in Puerto Rico, celebrating their 8oth anniversary. It is one of the first schools to receive Middle State Association the accreditation of the outside of the U.S.

Colegio San Ignacio – This bilingual school in the San Juan area offers classes from 7thto 12th grades. It’s a boys-only school in Rio Piedras with top reviews. Tuition runs above $9,000.

Colegio San José – This Catholic school for boys in Rio Piedras has a mission to develop capable, responsible Christian leaders. This is a bilingual school offers classes to boys from 7th to 12th grades and is afford-ably priced.