2019 Best Public Middle Schools in Puerto Rico

The 2019 Best Public Middle Schools ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education.

Ranking factors include state test scores, student-teacher ratio, student diversity, teacher quality, middle school ratings, and the overall quality of the school district.

Top 8 Best Public Middle Schools in Puerto Rico 2019

Note: The ranking of the public schools was made by Niche.com using statistical data obtained from the U.S. Department of Education. It represents the most recent data available, usually from 2014–2019, as self-reported by the schools. Niche also collects data directly from schools via our school data update form.

8. Escuela Ines María Mendoza de Munoz Marín

Escuela Ines María Mendoza de Munoz Marín is a public school located in San Juan, PR.

2019 best public middle school

It has 705 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1.

According to state test scores, 6% of students are at least proficient in math and 28% in reading.

Address: Carr. 842 Km. 2.6 Caimito Bajo San Juan, PR 00928

Telephone(787) 720-2853