School Ranking: 2020 Best Performing Primary Schools in Guernsey

7. The Ladies’ College Lower School

Melrose, a beautiful Georgian building on the same campus as the Senior School, has been home to our warm and friendly Preparatory and Junior Departments since 1949.

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Our girls embrace the Melrose ethos to be the best they can be, and are well prepared for a smooth transition to The Ladies’ College.

In Lower, Middle and Upper Preparatory (Years R, 1 and 2) we take only 20 girls per year and have both a teacher and a Learning Support Assistant allocated to each class, ensuring your daughter gets every chance to grow and shine as the individual she is.

In the Junior Department (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) we take up to 24 girls per year. In these year groups the girls are often taught by subject specialist teachers. In addition the girls benefit from two Learning Support Assistants who work throughout the department.