School Ranking: 2020 Best Performing Primary Schools in Guernsey

4. Castel Primary School 

Image result for Castel School Guernsey

Castel Primary School is located in Castel in Guernsey in the Channel Islands. It is a mixed gender States school for children up to the age of eleven. The girls’ school was built in 1898 and was constructed with pink granite, and the boys’ school was built in 1909 and was constructed with blue graniteAddress: Castel Primary School La Route de St Germain Castel, Guernsey, GY5 7PH, GuernseyPhone: +44 1481 257368 

3. Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Primary School

Notre Dame du Rosaire is a Voluntary school providing education for Catholic children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. It is in the heart of St Peter Port next to the oldest Catholic Church in Guernsey.

The school was founded in 1870 by three sisters of the Sacre Coeurs de Jesus et Marie in Paramé, near St Malo in France: Sr Marie Antoinette, Sr Marie Aurélie and Sr Marie Maxine, mainly to serve the French speaking population of St Peter Port.  The school became part of the States of Guernsey provision in 1902, when the existing junior building was opened.

Address: Guernsey GY1 2PW, GuernseyPhone: +44 1481 722412Â