2020 Top 10 Best High Schools in Melbourne, Australia

Top 10 Best High Schools in Melbourne, Australia|Topmost10 outlines the 2020 Top 10 best high Schools in Melbourne, Australia. Apart from academic performance and results, the quality of the sporting facilities, couple with music and visual art can make a difference. So when looking out for secondary schools in Melbourne, some of the factors of what makes the best schools should also be considered.

That being said. To get your decision right for your child, you should take in a range of factors: everything from location, size of student population, to whether the school is single-sex or co-educational.

Top 10 Best Best High Schools in Melbourne, Australia, 2020

10. East Doncaster Secondary College

East Doncaster Secondary College abbreviated as EDSC is a co-educational government-funded public secondary school in Melbourne.

Best High Schools in Melbourne

Established in 1974, the school has approximately 1,500 students, and caters to pupils from Year 7 to Year 12.

Important Information:

Address: 20 George Street East Doncaster, VIC 3109 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9842 2244
Years: 7 to 12
Enrollment: ~ 1,500
Website: eastdonsc.vic.edu.au

9. Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School (VCASS)

Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School abbreviated as VCASS, is a government-funded co-educational selective and specialist secondary day school, with speciality in the performing and visual arts.

Established in 1978, VCASS caters students from Year 7 to Year 12; and has an enrolment of 370 students.

Important Information:

Address: 57 Miles Street, Southbank 3006
Telephone: 03 8644 8644
Years: 7 to 12
Enrollment: ~ 370
Website: vcass.vic.edu.au