2020 Top 10 Best International Schools in Jersey

9. Les Quennevais School

Les Quennevais School and Community Centre was officially opened on 6 June 1966, the school’s first intake of students having already taken place on 5 January 1965, four months behind the originally planned date of September 1964. The students were drawn from the primary and all age parish schools west of a line drawn from north to south which roughly divided the island into two equal areas.

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The School is delighted to report that Les Quennevais School students secured outstanding exam results in 2017. The results are by some way the highest achieved in the school’s history with 55% of students attaining 5 x A*-C including English and Mathematics.

Some highlights include an English pass rate of 78% 4+ and Maths 62% 4+. 60% of students achieved 4+ in both English and Maths GCSE. Overall 65% of students achieved 5 A*-C and 62% of all GCSE entries achieved an A*-C grade