2020 Top 10 Best Primary Schools in Melbourne, Australia

1. Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC) (Best Primary Schools in Melbourne)

Presbyterian Ladies College commonly known as PLC is an independent private day and boarding school specially for girls. PLC is located in Burwood. Not only is PLC among the best primary schools in Melbourne, but its also rank as one of the best schools in Melbourne.

At Presbyterian Ladies College, it is a common belief that single-sex education is the ideal option for girls. So, if your thoughts is as good as theirs, and you’re eager to send your kids to some of the top primary schools in Melbourne, then this school is an ideal option to be considered.

PLC Contact Details

Address: 141 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC, 3125, Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9808 5811
Fax: +61 3 9808 5998
Email: enquiries@plc.vic.edu.au
Website: www.plc.vic.edu.au