2020 Top 10 Richest Business Leaders in Fiji and how they made it big

2. Rajnesh Dhirendra Singh

Rajnesh Dhirendra Singh is a Fijian entrepreneur and engineer. He holds several positions in the regional and international Information and Communications Technology community including the Internet Society and IPv6 Forum, and is an active Internet advocate and speaker on Internet technologies.

Business Leaders in Fiji

Singh is past Chair of ICANN’s Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO).

Singh is past Chairman of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society PICISOC.

He is the founding and President of the IPv6 Forum Pacific Islands IPv6ForumPacificIslands which is actively promoting the adoption and deployment of IPv6 to support the next generation Internet.

He is Director of the Pacific Internet Technology Centre pacificIT, which is focused on the use, research and advancement of the Internet and related ICT technology in the Pacific for socio-economic development, ICT4D and breaching the Digital Divide.

He is Co-ordinator of the Dynamic Coalition on Access and Connectivity for Remote, Rural and Dispersed Communities under the Internet Governance Forum.