2020 Top 10 Richest People in Faroe Islands

4. Poul Johan Sundberg Michelsen

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Poul Johan Sundberg Michelsen (born 22 July 1944 in Tórshavn) is a Faroese business man and politician, the leader of Progress (Framsókn), which he and others established in 2011. Earlier he was a member of People’s Party (Fólkaflokkurin).

Michelsen grew up in Tórshavn and was active in sports. He was apprenticed as a commercial trainee at the Balslev company, which today is called Bygma-Balslev. Later, Kartni Winther and Torbjørn Sørensen bought the wholesale from Balslev and named it Kartni Winther.

It was run by Kartni Winther, Torbjørn Sørensen and Poul Michelsen until Michelsen started his own whole sale business in 1974. Michelsen has been Finnish Consul General in the Faroe Islands since 2001. In January 2015 he was appointed the Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland