2021 Top 10 Best Private Schools in Zambia

1.Eagle International School

Eagle International School is a co-education school offering Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education. The School also offers excellent boarding facilities for girls only from grades 8 to 12. The primary section (Town Campus) is located 1 kilometer from the district town centre. The secondary section (Kitwe road Campus) is located 5 kilometers from the district business centres along Kitwe-Mufulira road.

Eagle International School in 1982 and was then known as  Eagle Academy. In 1984, it graduated its first form five(5) class. The school started offering its primary education in 1991 at Hindu Hall and then moved to the newlt built campus in 1995. In 1996 it graduated its first grade seven(7) class. Since its inception, the school has continued to grow and in 2000 school moved to the newly built Kitwe Road Campus and graduated its first grade 12 GCE class in 2002.


These are the 2021 top 10 best private schools in Zambia brought Top Most 10.