2021 Top 10 Richest People from Palau and How they Made their wealth

6. Thomas Remengesau Sr.

Image result for Thomas Remengesau Sr.

Thomas Ongelibel Remengesau also known Thomas Remengesau Sr., is a politician in Palau. He was Vice President of Palau from 1985 to 1988, and acting President of Palau twice (1985 and 1988–1989), following the violent deaths of two presidents.

When President Haruo Remeliik was assassinated in June 1985, Vice President Oiterong returned from New York City to Palau on 2 July to take office of the President. Between these dates Minister of Justice Remengesau served as acting President until 2 July 1985.

Remengesau was elected as Vice President in the special election in August 1985. After the shooting of President Lazarus Salii in August 1988, Remengesau became the President of Palau until Ngiratkel Etpison was sworn in January 1989.


5. Elias Camsek Chin

Image result for Elias Camsek Chin

Elias Camsek Chin is a Palauan politician. He served as the Vice President of Palau from 1 January 2005 to 15 January 2009.

Chin defeated incumbent Sandra Pierantozzi in vice-presidential elections held on 2 November 2004, winning 71.1% of the vote.