2022 Ranking of the Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Jamaica

8. Wolmer’s Boys School

2022 Ranking of the Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Jamaica

While acknowledged as separate institutions from Wolmer’s Girls, each school carries the same crest and motto, “Age Quod Agis”, a Latin phrase which translates to ‘whatever you do, do it to the best of your abilities’.

The school is the oldest high-school in the Caribbean, being established in 1729 by John Wolmer. The schools more closely resemble British schools of the 1950s than of today, a trend that can be noted of the entire Jamaican schooling system.

The school offers a wide range of CSEC and CAPE subjects done at the fifth- and sixth-form levels respectively. It has been known for being the only all-boys school in Jamaica to be ranked in the top ten high schools on the island. The high schools have been known to perform well in the sciences.


7. Glenmuir High School

Glenmuir High School (GHS) is a Jamaican secondary school located in May Pen, Clarendon Parish, Jamaica.

2022 Ranking of the Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Jamaica

It is among the top performing secondary schools in the country. In 2011 it was among the top 3 preferred schools for students who sat the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).

In 2012 it placed 3rd in the country in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams, and in 2013 placed 4th for academic performance in the Secondary Schools Guide.

For this year’s edition for the 2022 ranking of the best secondary schools in Jamaica, Glenmuir high school takes the 7th position.

Address: 10 Glenmuir Rd, May Pen, Jamaica

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