2022 Top 10 Best Girls High Schools in Jamaica

1. Immaculate Conception High School

Immaculate Conception High School (ICHS) is a Roman Catholic High School for girls in Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica. About 1700 girls are enrolled.

It emerged as this years best performing Girls Schools in Jamaica.

2022 Top 5 Best Girls High Schools in Jamaica

Immaculate Conception High School takes on the second position for this year’s top 10 best high schools in Jamaica.

Address: 152c Constant Spring Rd, Kingston, Jamaica



In short, all the schools on this list are good and all the others that didn’t make it here are equally good. Sometimes just a bit of extra students makes the difference on the ranking table.

This list will change or could even remain the same every year depending on how the schools perform in the coming years. No matter the situation always look up to Top Most 10 to update the information as soon as it is readily available.