2022 Top 10 Cheapest international schools in Dubai

In fact, the price of education can lead families with children to pack up and move home. But a new study shows that the range in price between Dubai international schools is vast, with the cheapest English-language international school in the emirate more than Dhs103,000 cheaper than the most expensive one.

Sure, not all of these private schools teach in an English-language curriculum, but there are cheaper English options out there – for Dhs5,287 per annum a student can complete their final year of school – Year 12 – at Emirates English Speaking School.

2022 Top 10 least expensive international schools in Dubai

*Note: These schools are taught in a range of languages, but predominantly in English (and the prices are just estimates)

(Based on fees for Grade 12/Year 13. Stats from Edarabia, based on KHDA data)

10. Crescent School Dubai, Al Qusais


Fees (per annum): Dhs8,994

Curriculum: CBSE (primarily English language)


9. Pakistan Education Academy, Oud Metha 

Fees (per annum): Dhs8,210

Curriculum: Pakistani


8. National Charity School Dubai, Garhoud 

Fees (per annum): Dhs7,841

Curriculum: MOE (aka, the UAE Ministry of Education’s official curriculum)


7. New Indian Model School, Garhoud 


Fees (per annum): Dhs6,517

Curriculum: CBSE (Kerala syllabus, English-language)


6. Gulf Indian High School (GIHS), Garhoud 

Fees (per annum): Dhs6,368

Curriculum: CBSE (English – learning Arabic is compulsory, while Hindi, Urdu and other languages are optional)


5. Central School Dubai, Al Nahda 

Fees (per annum): Dhs6,262

Curriculum: CBSE (English – learning Arabic is compulsory and there’s a strong Islamic education, while Hindi, Urdu and other languages are optional)


4. Gulf Model School, Musainah 

Fees (per annum): Dhs6,198

Curriculum: CBSE (English-language primarily, following the Kerala-board academics)


3. H. H. Shaikh Rashid Al Maktoum Pakistani School-Dubai, Al Qusais

Fees (per annum): Dhs6,112

Curriculum: Pakistani


2. Emirates English Speaking School, Al Safa 


Fees (per annum): Dhs5,287

Curriculum: CBSE (English – learning Arabic is compulsory, while Hindi, Urdu and other languages are optional)


1. Khadija Kobra Iranian School For Girls, Al Karama

2022 Top 10 Cheapest international schools in Dubai

Fees (per annum): Dhs4,167

Curriculum: Iranian (Farsi-language)

Address: Street # 1 – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 396 1072