2022 Top 10 Richest People in Armenia

Have you ever wondered who are the 2022 richest people in Armenia? Your favorite blog, outlines the 2022 top 10 richest people in Armenia and their net worth. This was made possible by diving deep into the finances and pockets of the billionaires from Armenia, to rank their net wealth.

Currently, almost every country in the world have got a rich Armenian doing business there. Being scattered all over the world, Armenians make a great contribution to the development of different countries. Along with history until today there are many rich Armenians all over in the world.If you are interested in learning whօ are these rich people and how they reached this fame then follow your reading as, for this time.

Here are the 2022 Top 10 Richest People in Armenia and their net worth


10. Nikolai Sarkisov (Richest Armenian)

Nikolai Sarkisov began his working career in the 1990s, selling metal as well as importing it. Working working together with Sergey their brand was growing very fast. And today, Sarkisov brothers are successful businessmen.

Nikolai Sarkisov, the younger brother of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov, oversees the largest clients at Sergei’s insurance company, RESO-Garantiya. The brothers own 63% of the company, while French insurer AXA owns the remaining 37%.

In 2013 the brothers sold the $50 million (sales) MedSwisse chain of clinics to its management. Nikolai had started his own business in 1990 trading metals and importing construction equipment, after quitting his job at a Soviet company that exported commodities. Later he left that venture to work with his brother.


9. Sergey Sarkisov (The Richest Armenian)

Sergey Sarkisov is a businessperson working in Russian Federation. He is an affluent Armenians in the world. Sergey is the person who established the well-known Russian organization “RESO-Garantia”. He has a fortune of $ 2.4 billion worth.

His brother – Nikolai Sarkisov is also a favorable entrepreneur who is mentioned in the next point. Sergei Sarkisov got his start at the Soviet state insurance firm Ingosstrakh. In 1991 he founded his own insurer, RESO-Garantiya where he serves as chairman of the board. His billionaire brother Nikolai oversees the firm’s largest clients.

In 2007 Sergei sold a 37% stake to French insurance giant AXA for $1.2 billion, a record deal for a Russian insurer. In 2013 RESO-Garantiya cancelled a deal to buy 25% of VSK Insurance for $220 million because the owner of the company, billionaire Sergei Tsikalyuk, didn’t stick to the terms of a 2011 agreement. Sergei Sarkisov is fond of auto racing.


8. Vache Manukyan (The Richest Armenian)

Vache Manukyan is a British businessperson of Armenian origin – one of the most authoritative persons all over on our planet. He owns the “Royal Adelphi Hotel of London” in Central London.

In addition to being very rich, lucky, and fortunate, he also does charity work. Thanks to it, 1,700 Armenian students get a chance to study abroad and use the accumulated knowledge in their motherland. Thanks to Manukyan’s funding, four schools, and numerous churches and monasteries have been restored and improved.

Vache Manoukian entered the business as a financial attorney for the Prince of Brunei (a state in Southeast Asia). It was in Brunei that he earned the amount of money that allowed him to establish a business in England.
After moving to England in the 1990s, he took up the position of Advisor to the CEO of HSBC Bank. In the early 2000s, Vache Manoukian founded the MARS holding company, which soon became one of the leaders in the field of pharmaceuticals, banking and biotechnology in the UK.He used his contacts in the international bank HSBC to open a representative office of this largest bank in Armenia and became a 30% shareholder of HSBC-Armenia bank.

In 2002 Vache Manoukian became the owner of the Adelphi Hotel in the very center of London near the famous Big Ben. Realizing the importance of getting an education, Manoukian founded a foundation that has financed education for 1,700 Armenian students in its history. In addition, he sponsors postgraduate education for Armenian students at Harvard University and Cambridge.

According to various sources, since 1991, Vache Manukyan has invested more than $ 65 million in the Armenian economy. The businessman’s largest investment was the construction of a modern medical center Nork-Marash: he allocated $ 12 million for this.
For his charitable work, Vache Manoukian was awarded the Order of St. Gregory the Illuminator in 1996.
In 2016, the British edition of the Sunday Times estimated Vache Manoukian’s income at $ 550 million a year, putting him on the 128th line in the list of the richest people in the UK.