2022 Top 10 Richest People in Armenia

7. Oleg Mkrtchyan (The Richest Armenian)

Oleg Mkrtchyan is a big fan of football. The entrepreneur likes to have an investment in this sport. Maybe that’s why his name di lui is often related to football. Mkrtchyan finances many football clubs in Russia, Ukraine, and also in Armenia. Mkrtchyan is also a shareholder of “Banants” – an Armenian football club in Yerevan.


6. Steven Kandarian (The Richest Armenian)

Armenian American Steven Kandarian is the chief executive of “MetLife” International Corporation for insurance and financial management. “Business Pundit” periodic publication approximately calculated his fortune di lui to be $ 25 billion.

Kandarian is one of these Armenian philanthropists that prefer not to publish their charitable activities. He regularly sponsors the leading US lobbying groups.

Steven A. Kandarian was the president, chairman, and chief executive officer of MetLife. He became president and CEO on May 1, 2011, and chairman in January 2012, succeeding Robert Henrikson, who retired from those roles. Kandarian retired from MetLife on April 30, 2019 and was succeeded as president and CEO by Michel Khalaf and as chairman by Glenn Hubbard.


5. Danil Khachaturov (The Richest Armenian)

Danil Khachaturov is the former CEO and co-owner of the company “Rosgosstrakh”. He is one of the most affluent Armenians in Russia.

Kachaturov’s initial capital was formed while working at the company “Slavneft (Славнефть)”. However, he was not particularly interested in the oil business, so the entrepreneur moved into the security industry.

If you check the record of Forbes billionaires, you may see that he takes 613th place, while in 200 Russian businessmen’s record, he takes the 40th place.