2022 Top 10 Richest People in Fiji

2022 Top 10 richest  people in Fiji and how they made their wealth. Topmost10 outlines the top 10 Richest people and Business Leaders in Fiji in 2022 and summarizes their careers success in their life. Some of these people started with nothing whiles others were born into business. Others started with politics and few as Civil Servants.


10. Imraz Iqbal Ali

Imraz Iqbal Ali is a Fijian businessman, political activist, and former Television journalist, of Indian descent. He does not normally use his last name, except for legal purposes.

Together with Laisa Digitaki, he is the co-owner of a magazine, Fiji Living, based in Digitaki’s home in the Lami suburb of Vugalei. Iqbal also hosted a popular Fiji Diving adventure show during his Television Career.

9. Ballu Khan

2022 Top 10 Richest People in Fiji

Ballu Khan is an Indo-Fijian businessman of New Zealand citizenry. His company, Tui Management Services, is the joint owner with the Vanua Development Corporation (VDC) of Pacific Connex (PCX), which sells SAP software and has sought to enter the 3G mobile telephony market in Fiji.

VDC is the commercial wing of the Native Land Trust Board (NLTB) which administers indigenous land holdings throughout Fiji. He is also a major supporter of the Ovalau Rugby Union team.  

8. Shivlal Nagindas

Shivlal Nagindas is a Fijian businessman of Indian descent, who served in 2006 as President of the Labasa Chamber of Commerce. He has also held political office as a Senator, as a Labasa Town Councillor. The Town Council elected Nagindas, a member of the Fiji Labour Party, Deputy Mayor of Labasa on 30 October 2006.