Check Out The 10 Most Liked Tweets Ever in the World

Do you like social media? Do you like Twitter? Have you ever checked out the most liked tweets ever in the World?

Ten years ago, a young entrepreneur named Jack Dorsey changed Internet history with five words: “just setting up my twttr.” It was the first of billions of tweets that have been posted on Twitter ranging from the mundane to the momentous.

Dorsey’s tweet has racked up an impressive 103,000 retweets since it was posted, but that figure pales in comparison to the most popular posts on the platform. Here we look back at the 10 most retweeted-tweets of all time, according to the retweet-tracking website Favstar. (Twitter declined to provide an official list.)

The list outlines the 10 most liked tweets ever in the history of social media as far as twitter is concerned:
