FORBES WOMEN UPDATE: Top Most 10 Richest Women in South Africa 2018 and their net worth

South African women are fast climbing the country’s wealth ladder. Quite a few South African women have striven to make their own wealth outside of their husbands’ riches. Verily, these women believe wealth is not specialized for men only and this is among the reason why they work persistently probably as businesswomen or by serving in the managerial positions of top companies { Richest Women In South Africa 2018 }.

Based on our findings of the richest people in South Africa, we have come up with the names of the Top 10 Richest Women in South Africa. And as a notable point, most of these women boast of self-made wealth which is seen as the fruit of their labour.


10. Christine Ramon

Image result for Christine Ramon

  • Net Worth: R49 million

Christine Ramon is renowned for having played great roles in the management of high-profile companies. Since she was appointed on 1st October 2014, Christine Ramon has been serving two high positions as the Chief Financial Officer as well as the Executive Director of Anglogold Ashanti Limited. In appreciation of her noteworthy managerial positions, Christine Ramon appeared among the World Economic Forum’s nominees for 2007 Young Global Leader. At the moment, she is declared with the net worth of R49 million.