FORBES WOMEN UPDATE: Top Most 10 Richest Women in South Africa 2018 and their net worth

2. Wendy Ackerman

richest women

  • Net Worth: R1.9 billion

Wendy Ackerman Second Richest Woman In South Africa

Wendy Ackerman is declared with the net worth of R1.9 billion, making her the second richest South African woman. The best part of her surging wealth is attributed to the Ackerman Family Trust –a family business that accounts for nearly 50% stake of “Pick `n’ Pay’’. Also noteworthy is that “Pick `n’ Pay’’ is one of South Africa’s largest retail outlets. At Pick `n’ Pay Holdings Limited, Wendy Ackerman assumes the role a non-executive director. With vibrant business services, “Pick `n’ Pay’’ now operates in Australia as well as African countries including Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Namibia. Apart from her notable contributions in the business sector, Wendy Ackerman pays great attention to the activities aimed at environmental conservation.