Has Technology Impacted South Africa Universities?

Since the introduction of technology in various South African universities as far as online application is concerned has been more than good for the South African populace.

Gone were the days when people would queue just to purchase an application form (paper-based) just to get admission into a university in South Africa. Now with the help of a smartphone or a computer, a prospective applicants can apply to the university of their choice to pursue their preferred course.

Though there are a few institutions that are still using the old format of accepting students, majority of the universities in the country including the likes of UNISA, CPUT, NWU, WSU, UJ, WITS just to mention a few can now boast of online applications.

Not only has technology helped in terms of application but also it has revolutionized the traditional teaching and learning process. With the help of students portals, important information can be accessed on the online platform designed by various universities. It also bridges the gap between students and lecturers where lecturers can post assignments whiles students access them.

Let us know your experience as far as technology is concerned in our Universities in South Africa.

Is Sassa And NSFAS the Best Financial Support For South Africans?

Ever thought about which financial support by the South African government has really helped the average South African? Well, your guess might be mine but then could SASSA (South African Social Security Agency) Grant and NSFAS be classified as the only best financial support?

With the introduction of educational website not only is NSFAS and SASSA the best grants but one can also talk about Funza Lushaka.

With NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme), one must be a student who needs financial support to embark on their tertiary education. With this basic requirement and other documents, one can get this financial support. NSFAS applications are done online. Once the application is sent, the team at NSFAS would review it, and once approval is made, an applicant can get funds for their tertiary education. NSFAS funds are payable.

SASSA on the other hand is a grant which cuts across all ages of a South African. The grant is categorized into types which include Older person’s grant, child support grant, care dependency grant, grant in aid, foster child grant, and disability grant. This is a non-payable financial support program that the government introduced to help the people of South Africa. Sassa Application is done online and offline. With the offline, the applicant must visit the nearest SASSA office to enroll in the program.