Here are Top 20 Highest paid jobs you can find in Abu Dhabi 2018

10. Actuaries

Average monthly pay including allowances: Dh55,000 and Salary range is Dh30,000 to Dh80,000

Actuaries are involved with insurance companies. They search various data to know what lies within an event such as the risk a car will crash. Evaluating risks in order to draw up insurance policies to lower the cost of that risk. Becoming a fully credentialed actuary requires passing a severe series of professional examinations of almost seven years.

11. Pilots

Average monthly pay: Dh52,500 and Salary range from Dh30,000 to Dh75,000.

Pilots are highly sought after especially in the Gulf region, where the aviation industry is fast growing. “There is a worldwide shortage of qualified flight deck professionals and the Middle East carriers are a magnet for applicants. Additional benefits include free housing, utilities, school fees and provident fund investment. A number of exams and training, on top of a license, need to be completed. Commercial pilots require a license which meets the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, and must pass a medical fitness exam.