Here the top 8 expensive smartphones in the World 2018

9.iPhone Princess Plus

This iPhone model is considered as one of the most expensive Smartphones in world as it has various rare features, it’s price is about $176,400, during its manufacturing in 2007 it was said that no one will buy it because of its high rate but a Russian Businessman took it while it was delivered him in 2008, according to reports that this Smartphone is assembled with 318 diamonds, in these numbers about 138 are princess cut diamonds while the 180 are brilliant cut diamonds which are present on its surface which gave it name as flashing beauty and due to diamonds it is very heavy device.

8.Black Diamond VIPN Smartphone

Sony Ericsson is famous for its luxury products, Black Diamond VIPN Smartphone is known as one of the most expensive Smartphones in world while the concept was given by Jaren Goh, due to its exceptional features like mirror detailing, polycarbonate mirror and an organic LED technology, now it is considered as most expensive in its series, the screen result is great as it is product of Sony, there are two diamonds attached with device while one is at back and other is at navigation buttons; the mobile phone is available for price $300,000.