Here the top 8 expensive smartphones in the World 2018

3.iPhone 3G King’s Button

The iPhone 3G King’s Button is designed by the Austria’s Peter Aloisson which is now placed at 3rd position in top ten list, it is made with the help of 138 diamonds and this is the reason that this handset is considered as one of the most expensive Smartphones in world, home screen button is made with 6.6ct white diamond and yellow as well as rose gold diamonds also included, the diamond that are assembled on the home button are the cause of its beauty while the Smartphone is available at price $2.4 million.

2.Supreme Goldstriker iPhone 3G 32GB


Supreme Goldstriker iPhone 3G is considered as second most expensive mobile phones in world while the prominent features of this handset which make it most valuable are; screen trimmed with fifty-three 1-carat diamonds and the casing of this Smartphone is made up of 271 grams of solid 22k gold, the home button of this expensive phone is made of single rare 7.1-carat diamond which is the cause of its beauty, this supreme iPhone launched with chest carved which is made of block of granite and sports Kashmir gold while its cost is $ 3,200,000.