How to Check CPUT Application Status And Prospectus

Have you applied to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, CPUT and you want to check your application status and prospectus? This is how to check your CPUT application status and prospectus.

As the only technology University in Western Cape, the CPUT as widely known by many has shaped numerous life of students for the global economy. The CPUT came into existence in the year 2005 and has since grown to have 5 campuses to its credit. Year in year out, students apply to enroll at the CPUT to further their studies. After application, an applicant needs to track their application status to help know the next phase of their chapter.

Normally applicants do forget to check their application status as a result of negligence and also not enough education to track his/her application. In this piece, we have outlined the steps that can help an applicant check his/her application status with the CPUT.

Duration Before CPUT Responds To An Applicant

An estimation of six to eight weeks is the right duration an applicant can start checking their application with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Tracking Your CPUT Application Status

Checking an application status with CPUT is as simple as reciting a kindergarten rhyme. Below are steps a prospective applicant can use to access his/her application status.

  1. Kindly visit CPUT official website via
  2. Scroll your mouse to the menu titled ‘’STUDY AT CPUT’’ and a drop-down with subheadings would appear then you click on ‘’TRACK APPLICATION STATUS’’
  3. Fill in the necessary credentials including Your ID / Passport / Asylum number or Student number
  4. Provide your full name
  5. Click on ‘GET MY APPLICATION’ to view your application status with CPUT

CPUT Prospectus

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology has made available the university’s prospectus for viewing, downloading, and printing.

The prospectus contains information on courses, admission requirements, and all admission application information. This will serve as a guide to make the application processes and also to enhance a rather smooth transition into the university.