2018 Ranking of the Best Primary Schools in Guernsey

5. St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School

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St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School is a school with a strong Catholic ethos. This permeates all areas of school life and is at the heart of our philosophy of education. The school’s whole curriculum is rooted in a religious understanding of life, where the gospel values underpin our efforts to provide a quality education for all.

The staff of St Mary & St Michael values the partnership with parents, parish and community. The school’s aim is to build on the work parents have started at home and develop the spiritual, social, moral, physical and intellectual aspects of your child so that he/she can grow confidently and happily.


Address: Rue des Monts, St Sampson, Guernsey GY2 4HU

Telephone: 01481 245 020
Email: office@stmary-stmichael.sch.gg