Top 10 Best Performing Private Secondary Schools in Kenya 2019

There are several secondary schools in Kenya. These include private and public schools. Among these, there are boys and girls schools. Some of these schools are also funded by religious groups in Kenya.

The key note of every parent is to send a child to a school that will educate him/her to pass the final examination. This article therefore unveils the 2019 best performing private secondary schools in Kenya.

List of the best private secondary schools in Kenya 2019.

10. Chemelil Sugar Academy

Located within the compound of Chemelil Sugar Company in Kisumu County, this academy has both a primary school and a secondary school.

The secondary school, staffed by highly qualified and experienced personnel, has consistently attained very high standards of performance in both KCSE examinations and extra-curricular activities.

Chemelil Sugar Academy is one of the few mixed secondary schools in Kenya that offers a high level of discipline combined with good educational standards.

9. Kianda School

Kianda is an all-girls private secondary school located in Nairobi County, offering the 844 system of education. It was started by the Kianda Foundation way back in 1977 and has over the years produced responsible and hardworking women who aim for excellence in all areas of their lives.

This institution gives the girls an all-round education, produces good results in national exams, and has sent many of its graduates to universities in Kenya and all over the world.