Top 10 Celebrities you didn’t know were from Dominican Republic

List of famous people from Dominican Republic, including photos when available. The people below are listed by their popularity, so the most recognizable names are at the top of the list. Some of the people below are celebrities born in Dominican Republic, while others are simply notable locals. If you’re from Dominican Republic you might already know that these prominent figures are also from your hometown, but some of the names below may really surprise you. This list includes people who were born and raised in Dominican Republic, as well as those who were born there but moved away at a young age.

Celebrities you didn’t know were from Dominican Republic

10. José Alberto Pujols Alcántara

Image result for José Alberto Pujols Alcántara

José Alberto Pujols Alcántara, better known as Albert Pujols, is a Dominican-American first baseman for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of Major League Baseball. Pujols previously played with the St. Louis Cardinals, where he received three National League MVP awards and was a nine-time MLB All-Star.

Pujols was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to the United States in 1996. After one season of college baseball, he was selected by the Cardinals in the 13th round of the 1999 MLB Draft. As a rookie for the Cardinals in 2001, he was unanimously voted the NL Rookie of the Year. Pujols played for the Cardinals for 11 seasons, contributing to two World Series championsh