Here are the top 10 highest paid jobs in Dubai 2018

5. Construction Director

1200000 AED (£266,390)

A crucial cog in the construction machine, the salary for this position reflects its stature and complexity. In essence, a Construction Director oversees most of a construction company’s particular tasks, from time allocation and the management of sub-contractors, all the way to health and safety policy adherence, a Construction Director must ensure that everything is running smoothly. As with most top-level jobs, you should have a graduate level education, a great deal of experience in your chosen field, and expertise in people management, if you are to consider applying for this role.


4. Chief Operating Officer

1,440,00 AED (£319,644)

COO’s are responsible for making sure that the long-term goals and daily operations of the company are achieved as smoothly as possible. This includes a myriad of duties including human resources, finances  and even quality control.

There is no specific degree required to get this job, but a Masters in business Administration will make you a much more desirable candidate as you are effectively the bridge between the executive branch and all other areas of a company.