Top 10 South Africa Highest Paying Jobs in 2018 aside Politics

This article seeks to give the top 10 South Africa Highest paying jobs in 2018 aside politics. Ever wondered which profession in South Africa gets you a paycheck that will keep you smiling even on the 15th of the month? Well let’s take a look at the top ten highest paying jobs in South Africa and how you can get there and we’ll let you choose which one you’d like to become. We start from ten and work our way to number one as you’re given each professions salary per annum.

10. Air-traffic controller
paying jobs
R456 171.00p.a

To qualify to become an Air-traffic controller in South Africa you firstly need to be a South African citizen, you cannot be younger than 18 years old and not 22 yet when starting basic military training. You need to be classified as being medically fit for duty by the Institute for Aviation Medicine. You would have needed to pass matric with having passed English as a subject, you would also need Mathematics (NSC Level 4) and geography is essential.