Top 10 Largest Gold Producing Countries in the World 2018

This article gives the ranking of the largest gold producing countries in the world 2018. Gold production in the world is different from country to country. It is one such metal on the earth that everyone want to have. This metal has such value that most of the people recognize it as the only metal they are aware of. And why not? In the past, the barter system and the trade used gold coins. The Golden Rule of the past was “Whoever had the gold makes the rules”. People used to exchange food items, clothes and other things of necessity from gold. This was much before the invention of legal tender or money.

Even today there are many countries which produce gold and maintain the supply as well. Let us find out top 10 gold producing countries in the world along with their Gold production

10. Uzbekistan – 90,000 Kilograms

With the gold production of 90,000 kilograms per year, Uzbekistan ranks at number 10 of the list. This country is rich on minerals such as silver, molybdenum, uranium, copper and of course gold. But the only challenge they face is shipping since this country is doubly landlocked. The gold produced in the country is nationalized and is owned by the Metallurgial Combinant mine and Navoi Mining. The largest mine of country is the Muruntau Gold mine which is the biggest open-pit mine in the world.

9. Indonesia – 100,000 Kilograms

If Uzbekistan has the open-pit mine, Indonesia has the largest gold mine in the world. The name of this mine is Grasberg and it employees as many as 19000 workers but it is also one of the toxic locations of the world. Large quantities of mercury is released into the atmosphere every year and therefore making people very unhealthy. The production of gold has increased from 2015 till date and it is expected to rise more as there are many gold reserves in this country which produce tons of gold year around.