Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Asia 2018

This is a ranking of the ten cities in Asia that are considered the most dangerous cities, as ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit report. The Safe Cities Index is an initiative sponsored by the Economist magazine, and uses four categories to determine the perceived safety of a given city. The categories are:

  1. Digital security which measures how likely one is to be a victim of privacy violations or identity theft through the internet. Availability of technology and its level is also measured.
  2. Health security which measures ease of access to care for residents, as well as its quality. Air and water quality is also taken into consideration, as is life expectancy.
  3. Infrastructure safety which measures the resilience and safety of urban infrastructure, particularly against potential disasters. Frequency of accidents is measured along with the standards with which infrastructure is held to.
  4. Personal safety measures the incurrence of violent and petty crime, drug use, theft, and violence. How safe residents generally feel in their city is also taken into consideration.

Data was sourced from cities on overall liveability, as well as data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Kaspersky Lab, and other sources. The higher the score is to 100, the safer the city’s ranking is considered. Below is an overview of where major Asian cities fall with this ranking.

10. Johor Baharu, Malaysia

most dangerous cities

It is the capital city of the Malaysian city of Johor and it boasts to be the country’s second largest city, which is a hub of crime which includes snatch thefts by robbers on bicycles, pickpockets. Common crime areas in this city are Larkin Bus Terminus, shopping zones of Taman Sentosa and Taman Johor, and residential area of Taman Pelangi.