Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Asia 2018

7. Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

most dangerous cities

It is the capital city of Mongolia and has a high rate of crime which involves theft, rapes, and assault. There are also crimes against foreigners which primarily involves pick-pocketing, theft of unattended property. The growth of a small national movement in Mongolia has led to physical assault of foreigners to discourage them from investing in the country’s natural resources.

6. Dhaka, Bangladesh

most dangerous cities

Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh and has one of the highest crime rates in the world. Crimes committed in Dhaka include political and religious violence. Some of the violence is triggered by the wide social, economic gap among its citizens and the pressures brought about by the high population. The police in Dhaka is ill equipped thus making it worse to manage the crimes. Common crimes are robbery and banditry, hunger, and poverty induced violence, rape and kidnappings, illicit trafficking in children and women, and illegal possession of drugs and firearms.