Top 10 Old Schools That Shaped Singapore’s History

4. St Joseph’s Institution

St Joseph’s Institution (SJI) is the third-oldest school, and the oldest catholic school in Singapore.  SJI was founded in 1852, by Father Jean-Marie Beurel.

He wanted to set up a Christian school for Singaporean boys.

Father Beurel believed that the school would be a good way to promote the Catholic mission in Singapore, and was aimed at being an addition to a church he had built in 1847. The church still exists today as well, and is known as the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd.

The school was known as St John’s School, prior to being named St Joseph’s Institution in 1867.

The school moved to its current location on Malcolm Road in 1988.

Its previous campus was gazetted as a national monument in 1992. The building is now home to the Singapore Art Museum.