Top 10 Philippines Highest paying jobs for Fresh University graduates 2017

Does it matter where you graduate?

According to Jobstreet’s employer survey, most of the graduates hired in 2016 were from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP, 56%), the University of the Philippines (UP, 46%), and the University of Santo Tomas (UST, 44%).

When employers were asked from which school their best fresh grad hires came from, respondents ranked UP first, PUP second, and Ateneo de Manila University 3rd.

When asked if it matters which school you came from when it comes to being hired after graduating, Gioca said that it doesn’t: “I think it doesn’t matter anymore which school you go to because of the industries are so diverse.”

He added: “But you have to recognize that PUP actually churns about 50,000 graduates a year and if you compare it to an Ateneo, which I know is churning out a thousand. So there’s a discrepancy in that space alone,” he said.

Jobstreet’s survey also found that the manufacturing (33%), healthcare (26%), and IT – software (22%) industries are less likely to hire fresh graduates.

The main reasons companies have for not hiring fresh graduates are that the companies only have specialized positions (43%), they only hire applicants with work experience (29%), and there were no job vacancies (10%).