Top 10 Richest Businessmen in Dominican Republic and their Net worth in 2018

The calculation of the income and total assets of the richest businessmen in the Dominican Republic were in some cases taken from the annual financial reports reported to their shareholders, published on their web pages or from reports issued by local brokerage firms of their respective countries.

In the cases in which we did not have this type of reports, for the main branches of business of the listed persons, calculations were made based on the market value of their main business segments, as well as their market share in their countries as in the region. The cards are not ordered according to the level of wealth of the entrepreneurs, but because of the influence of their businesses in the region.

These are the 10 millionaires Businessmen of the Dominican Republic 

10. Héctor José Rizek Llabaly

Rizek_goodPosition: President of Rizek Cacao SAS

Country of origin: Dominican Republic

Countries where they operate: Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

Exports: United States, Europe and Asia