Top Most 10 South Africa Expensive Day Schools and Their Fees in 2018

Here you can see a List of Top 10 Most Expensive Day Schools in South Africa, their Fees and Contact details. How much does it really cost to go to one of the best day schools in South Africa, and is it worth it?

The best day schools in South Africa are expensive to attend, but provide a very high quality of education. How much can you expect to pay to attend them, and is it worth going to one of the most expensive day schools in South Africa?

If you have decided to opt for the full boarding package, you should expect to pay anything from R122 350 to R166 650 per child at one of the top 10 day schools. Activities, such as school trips, will cost extra.

The fees listed below are as they appear on the various schools’ web pages, and cover tuition only. Fees are for the highest level of learning available (up to grade 12), and do not include levies, admission fees, or optional extras.

There are some schools in South Africa where education fees run in thousands of Rands. These schools are exclusively for the rich people, who can afford them.

The schools listed below reflect what South African parents are paying for a full senior year in 2018. All of them are reported to have achieved a 100% matric pass rate.Below are top 10 expensive day schools in South Africa.

  1. St Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls, Kloof, Greater Durban: R122 350

St Mary's Diocesan School for Girls fees

St Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls is one of world class, Christian school that inspires girls to become remarkable women.They provide girls in a Christian environment, a well-rounded education of the highest standard in all spheres, where each girl can flourish and develop the skills and confidence to take charge of her future. They are located at 186 Duxbury Rd, Hillcrest, Pretoria, 0083, South Africa.For any enquiries you can contact he, on +27 12 366 0500 or by mail

Physical Address:

30 St Marys Road, Kloof, 3640

Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 178, Kloof, 3640

Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa