Top 15 best Singapore Start-ups to watch in 2018

6. oBike

Present in 30 cities across south-east Asia and Australia, oBike is a dockless bicycle-sharing system. Founded last year by Edward Chen, oBike’s bicycles have built-in Bluetooth locks and can be left anywhere at the end of a journey. Grab, the main rival to Uber in Asia, was among the investors in a Series A investment in oBike in September, along with Grishin Robotics.

5. ShopBack

ShopBack is a cash-back-focused start-up that helps shoppers access curated deals and cash-back offers from partner merchants across six countries in south-east Asia. Conceived in 2014 by Bryan Chua, Henry Chan and Joel Leong, ShopBack recently raised $25m in a major round led by Japanese finance and credit card company Credit Saison.

4. Spark System

Founded by financial industry veterans, Spark Systems is a fintech start-up that is building an FX trading platform for Asia. The company raised $5.2m last year in a round that included Vickers Venture Partners and Dymon Asia Ventures.