Top 5 Best Secondary Schools in Dubai 2018

3. Al Ameen Private School 
Rating: Good
Curriculum: UK
Teacher turnover: 20%
Teacher/student ratio: 1:10
Full Review: Go
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What the KHDA says in 2018: Al Ameen Private School is ranked Very Good throughout core subjects in the secondary division, with only Arabic and Islamic Education marked as Good.

The latest report notes that “all groups of students make very good progress and their IGCSE results in English as an additional language are outstanding.” Furthermore, students in the secondary are introspective learners and they “have an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as learners. They know what they have learned and they have some understanding of how to improve.”

What say: Al Ameed Private School has made enormous gains since the very first inspection cycle where the school received a Weak rating. Since then, the school has worked hard to improve student attainment and progress and has done so with extraordinarily low fees of AED 10,667 for Year 7 to Year 11.