Breaking News: Top 5 Richest People from Kazakhstan and their net worth in 2018

2. Alijan Ibragimov

Alijan Ibragimov

Alijan Ibragimov is a Kyrgyzstan born second richest man in Kazakhstan. He stands at 847th position in Forbes billionaires of the world list with net worth of around USD 2.2 billion.

Alijan accumulated this $2.2 billion when he and his longtime friends and partners, Alexander Mashkevich and Patokh Chodiev, built Eurasian Natural Resources Co. (ENRC).

These 3 together are known as ‘trio’ and they created world’s leading natural resource group ENRC by creating huge metal and mining empire in Kazakhstan.

However his group ENRC since 2013 is seeing major challenges after a market downturn stalled growth and fraud investigations mounted.