Top 7 Best Dubai Medical Schools in 2018

 3. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Dubai)

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Dubai)

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland was established over 220 years ago and has a worldwide reputation for delivering excellent undergraduate and postgraduate education in the healthcare professions. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland-Dubai was established in 2005 and initially located in Knowledge Village. In 2007 the campus moved to Dubai Healthcare City.RCSI-Dubai Masters programs are accredited and are designed with working healthcare professionals in mind. RCSI-Dubai now offers MSc degree programs in: Healthcare Management, Quality & Safety in Healthcare Management and Leadership in Health Professions Education. All programs have proved to be very popular, not only in the UAE, but also in the wider region, with many healthcare professionals travelling long distances to participate in them. All of these make RCSI-Dubai the leading medical school in Dubai.