The WICKED Side Of Kwame Nkrumah That You Probably Did not Know


Kwame Nkrumah Detained About 500 People Indefinitely And Without Trial After the August 1962 Bombing
After a fizzled killed endeavor on Nkrumah in 1962 and supported by his PDA, he captured and kept around 500 individuals uncertainly.
Dr. Nkrumah was of the individual view that Tawia Adamafio and a couple of others engineered the death endeavor and had them striven for injustice. Luckily for them and lamentably for Nkrumah, they were not discovered blameworthy by the court.
Nkrumah at that point wound up plainly irate and kind of constrained Parliament to pass a law to empower him to set the decision aside. Following this, new judges were designated for another trial and as you would expect, they were discovered liable and condemned to death.

5. Kwame Nkrumah Practiced Insane Nepotism
Nepotism was to a great extent the wheel on which Dr. Nkrumah made his political and other high – positioning arrangements. His legislature was less comprehensive of different tribes. For example, by 1965, no Ewe was in his bureau of 18 individuals however there were 13 Akans, with three of these near his home, Nzemah.
Observe that, 13 % of Ghana’s populace per the 2000 registration are Ewe and only 1.2% are Nzemah.